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:: Revenue sources ::
   Many scientific journals derive a substantial income from advertising or reprints, creating a potential conflict of interest. Editorial decisions of ASP Ins. journals are not influenced by advertising revenue or reprint potential and editorial and advertising functions at our journals are independent. Although ASP Ins. journals do not accept any advertisments, advertisers and donors should have no control over editorial material under any circumstances.
   Reprinted articles of ASP Ins. journals are published as they originally appeared in the journal (including subsequent corrections); that is, there is no alteration or revision of articles for a supplement or reprint other than corrections. The content of special supplementary issues (if any) are determined only by the usual editorial process and are not influenced in any way by the funding source or advertisers. Limitations on how reprinted articles may be combined with advertisements or endorsements of a product or company are explicitly addressed in journal policy. ASP Ins. journals supplements undergo peer review the same as the rest of the journal.


Reading "Open access: The true cost of science publishing" is highly recommended.
ASP Ins. is comitted to the below principles
- Journals should have a formal advertising policy and this should be made available to all constituents of the journal. Briefly, journals should require all advertisements to clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. In the case of drug advertisements, the full generic name of each active ingredient should appear. Commercial advertisements should not be placed adjacent to any editorial matter that discusses the product being advertised, nor adjacent to any article reporting research on the advertised product, nor should they refer to an article in the same issue in which they appear. Limitations on how reprinted articles may be combined with advertisements or endorsements of a product or company should be explicitly addressed in journal policy. Ads should have a different appearance from editorial material so there is no confusion between the two. Similar limitations (for the regular journal as well as supplements) may include placement of ads for related products on the front, rear, or inside cover pages of an issue that carries an editorial or original article on that topic. Policies on these issues should be explicit, and published in print or on the Web.
- Products or services being advertised should be germane to (a) the practice of medicine, (b) medical education, or (c) health care delivery.
- Advertisements may not be deceptive or misleading. Exaggerated or extravagantly worded copy should not be allowed. Advertisements should not be accepted if they appear to be indecent or offensive in either text or artwork, or contain negative content of a personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious character.
- Journals must have the right to refuse any advertisement for any reason. The decision as to acceptance (and any questions about eligibility raised by readers or others) should be made in consultation with the journal's editorial content team and the editorial team should be regularly informed about the evaluation of advertising, especially those that are refused due to non-compliance with the journal's guidelines.
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